Selective Forex Trading skillfully outlines author Don Snellgrove's S90/Crossover: an independently verified technical indicator that has provided traders with the ability to achieve over 100 consecutive Forex trades without a single loss. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just getting started, this approach--which is based on historical resistance and support points within a trading range--can assist you in entering and exiting positions for the greatest profits possible.
Acknowledgments ix
INTRODUCTION: Read This First! Are You Ready for SomethingDifferent in the World of Trading? xi
CHAPTER 1: Advice and Thoughts for Neophyte, Intermediate,and Advanced Traders 1
CHAPTER 2: Modernist versus Traditionalist Approachesto Trading 5
CHAPTER 3: What Is an S90/Crossover and How WasIt Discovered? 9
CHAPTER 4: Developing the Profit Targets or Entry Pointsof a Trading Range for the S90/Crossover 27CHAPTER 5: S90/Crossover with Gaps, Holes, and FibonacciLevels 35
CHAPTER 6: Extreme Levels of a Trading Range: What AreS90/Crossover Extreme Levels within the Forex? 45CHAPTER 7: Basic Trading Skills with S90/Crossovers andExtreme Levels in the Market 53
CHAPTER 8: S90/Crossovers, Trend Bounces, and Holesin the Market 59
CHAPTER 9: Proof: Live Forex Trading Examples andInterviews with Traders 65
CHAPTER 10: More about Extreme Levels in the Market 77CHAPTER 11: When to Bail Out of the Trade and When to StayIn for Additional Profits 93
Final Thoughts 99
APPENDIX A Selections from CFG Newsletters 101APPENDIX B A Mechanical and Nonemotional Style of Tradingfor Part-Time Traders 107
Glossary 129
Resources 137
Index 139