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【资料名称】:Calculus Single Variable, 7th Edition 【资料描述】:
微积分:单变量,7e继续努力推广理解和计算相互加强的课程。第7版反映了研究型大学,四年制大学,社区学院和中学的许多用户的声音。这个新版本已经过简化,可以为理论和建模创建灵活的方法。该计划包括来自物理,健康和生物科学,工程和经济学的各种问题和实例; 强调微积分与其他领域之间的联系。
Calculus: Single Variable, 7e continues the effort to promote courses in which understanding and computation reinforce each other. The 7th Edition reflects the many voices of users at research universities, four-year colleges, community colleges, and secondary schools. This new edition has been streamlined to create a flexible approach to both theory and modeling. The program includes a variety of problems and examples from the physical, health, and biological sciences, engineering and economics; emphasizing the connection between calculus and other fields.
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