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交易账户: A Complete Solution to Mastering Technical Systems and Trading Ps...


2020-4-15 09:21:17

The Trading Book: A Complete Solution to Mastering Technical Systems and  Trading Psychology交易账户:掌握技术系统和传统的一个完整的解决方案

  The Trading Book Course: A Practical Guide to Profiting with Technical Analysis
  作者: Anne-Marie Baiynd
  ISBN13: 9780071803366
  类型: 平装
  出版日期: 2012-11-28
  出版社: McGraw-Hill
  页数: 181
  重量(克): 294
  尺寸: 234 x 188 x 12 mm
  The companion volume to "The Trading Book"-practical, hands-on exercises that make trading decisions easier than ever
  Filled with activities, exercises, and expert advice, "The Trading Book Course" explains how to accurately identify market conditions before beginning to trade-which is the key to determining the best entry and exit points possible. It also teaches you how to combine powerful technical analysis with smart trading psychology to increase your chances of success even more
  "The Trading Book Course" provides everything you need to evaluate:
  Trends * Peaks * Price/Volume Relationships * Support/Resistance * Price Patterns * Moving Averages * Momentum Indicators
  "The Trading Book Course" includes case studies of real traders making real trades to clearly illustrate what you should do and what you should avoid in every trade.
  The only path to successful trading is practice. "The Trading Book Course" provides the virtual practice you need so that you can hit the ground running toward real profits in the actual marketplace.

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[hide]【下载】:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1g_4zN0EGJBT3OGoOWLtVnw?pwd=ps4j 提取码:ps4j --来自百度网盘超级会员V1的分享


