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价格形态百科全书(英文原版)股價型態總覽 价格形态








2020-4-15 03:52:59
【资料名称】:价格形态百科全书(Encyclopedia Of Chart Patterns)[英文原版]

Introduction 1
PART ONE Chart Patterns 9
1 Broadening Bottoms 11
2 Broadening Formations, Right-Angled and Ascending 28
3 Broadening Formations, Right-Angled and Descending 45
4 Broadening Tops 63
5 Broadening Wedges, Ascending 81
6 Broadening Wedges, Descending 98
7 Bump-and-Run Reversal Bottoms 115
8 Bump-and-Run Reversal Tops 132
9 Cup with Handle 149
10 Cup with Handle, Inverted 164
11 Diamond Bottoms 179
12 Diamond Tops 196
13 Double Bottoms, Adam & Adam 213
14 Double Bottoms, Adam & Eve 229
15 Double Bottoms, Eve & Adam 244
16 Double Bottoms, Eve & Eve 259
17 Double Tops, Adam & Adam 275
18 Double Tops, Adam & Eve 291
19 Double Tops, Eve & Adam 307
20 Double Tops, Eve & Eve 321
21 Flags 335
22 Flags, High and Tight 350
23 Gaps 362
24 Head-and-Shoulders Bottoms 374
25 Head-and-Shoulders Bottoms, Complex 390
26 Head-and-Shoulders Tops 405
27 Head-and-Shoulders Tops, Complex 421
28 Horn Bottoms 438
29 Horn Tops 451
30 Island Reversals 464
31 Islands, Long 480
32 Measured Move Down 496
33 Measured Move Up 510
34 Pennants 522
35 Pipe Bottoms 536
36 Pipe Tops 550
37 Rectangle Bottoms 563
38 Rectangle Tops 579
39 Rounding Bottoms 595
40 Rounding Tops 608
41 Scallops, Ascending 624
42 Scallops, Ascending and Inverted 639
43 Scallops, Descending 654
44 Scallops, Descending and Inverted 670
45 Three Falling Peaks 684
46 Three Rising Valleys 698
47 Triangles, Ascending 711
48 Triangles, Descending 730
xvi Contents
49 Triangles, Symmetrical 748
50 Triple Bottoms 765
51 Triple Tops 779
52 Wedges, Falling 795
53 Wedges, Rising 811
PART TWO Event Patterns 827
54 Dead-Cat Bounce 829
55 Dead-Cat Bounce, Inverted 844
56 Earnings Surprise, Bad 855
57 Earnings Surprise, Good 868
58 FDA Drug Approvals 880
59 Flag, Earnings 893
60 Same-Store Sales, Bad 908
61 Same-Store Sales, Good 921
62 Stock Downgrades 934
63 Stock Upgrades 950
Statistics Summary 965
Glossary and Methodology 982
Index of Chart and Event Patterns 993
Index 1001

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GMT+8, 2024-9-20 22:51

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